Thursday, 14 January 2010

Slow coach

Why oh why does it take me so long to finish anything? I'm still, yes still, working on both the lace shrug and the cable tunic. I had to undo quite a lot of the tunic because I'd got the measurements wrong, but even taking that into account it's taking ages to finish both of these.

The shrug was started in November 2008. Which means it's been going on for more than a year now. I think the tunic was started slightly later. Even so, that's still been on the needles for around a year. The tunic is particularly galling, first for the unravelling, second because it's all rib from here on in and it's got me bored rigid and third because despite working on it over Christmas I seemed to hardly do any. In the same time read three books. I just want the damn thing finished now!

I wonder - am I losing interest in the fun new hobby of mine? I've only been knitting and crocheting for two and half years, but maybe I've run out of steam. And yet I still get so excited about new projects. I love the idea of knitting, but the reality is somewhat different. I know the problem: I'm too slow, something about the way I knit means it's taking me far too long to get anywhere. But I haven't the faintest idea how to speed things up.

I did manage one thing - I was sliding the knitting far too far down the needle every time I made a stitch, so I'd have to slide it all way up again, and then way down again, with the next stitch. Well I stopped that, and it did speed me up a bit. But nowhere near enough.

So the question is: how do I go about getting quicker? You'd think it's a matter of practice, and yet despite my two-and-a-half-year's experience I'm really not speeding up. There people out there who can knit jumpers for a family of four and still have time to crochet a new pair of curtains in the time it's taken me to nearly finish one tunic, so I must be doing something wrong. But what? Answers on a postcard please!

I'll post some photos of the tunic when I get home this evening.