Tuesday 9 September 2008

In the beginning

I wasn't going to do a knitting blog; I really wasn't. There are plenty out there without me adding to the millions of words dedicated to the art of knitting. But as I near the end of my first big knitted project I find I want to record my thoughts on it. I want to note down what I did, what I learned and what I still need to learn. There may well be other people out there who read this blog and are entertained by it, but mostly it's written for an audience of one: me. Or possibly two, because my mum might want to read it. Three if you count my boyfriend. But yeah, mostly me.

My First Big Project is currently on the hook, waiting for me to finish. I should be done tonight and then I'm going to pin it out on the ironing board. I learnt a lot doing this project, mainly that I shouldn't believe knitting patterns and that a project in pure silk isn't really the best one to start out with. But there you go. My blog, which will come as soon as I've got a completed item in my hands, will explain these lessons and others. Stay tuned...

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