Wednesday 22 August 2012

In which I’m impressed by customer service

The voucher in question.
About four years ago, my then boyfriend’s parents bought me a very generous present of a £30 voucher to spend at Stash Fine Yarns. I wanted to save it for something I really wanted, and because I’m rather forgetful this meant I ended up not buying anything. For years.

Then a few weeks ago I decided I wanted some really nice laceweight yarns. I’ve been thinking about designing lace shawls and wanted a yarn that would be really special for the new designs. An internet search revealed that Stash stocks some gorgeous silk and merino wool blend lace by Fyberspates, in absolutely beautiful colours. I wanted it. In at least two colourways.

It was time to use the voucher. It was at least four years old, but there was no date on it. The voucher was one of those ones with a code on to input when you get to the checkout. So I placed my order, entered my code and clicked ‘go’. It didn’t work. I tried again. It didn’t work. I was about to give up - the voucher was out of date, it was my own fault for not using it sooner.

But then I decided I really had nothing to lose by emailing Stash. So I did. And I quickly got a reply: could I scan the voucher and email images of it? I could and I did. Proof received that I really did have the voucher and the code was set up to work again. I ordered two hanks of Fyberspates Scrumptious and I will very shortly be designing a new lace shawl. I’ve already charted out the stitch pattern.

So thank you, people at Stash. I love the yarn I’ve bought with that voucher and I’ll definitely be using you again.
The yarn. Gorgeous Scrumptious Lace
from Fyberspates.

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